11/11 Online Sale
- Purchase selected Daikin iSmile Multi Split Series System 3 & above (applicable to MKS65/80/90TVMG) and get $110 NTUC Vouchers for FREE!
- Purchase Daikin CleAir Air Purifier at a special price today! Limited stocks available, while stocks last! Tested by public institution, Dakin CleAir Air Purifier remove up to 99.9% influenza virus, bacteria*, allergens and pollen*!
Promotion from 1st - 30th November 2020
Available via e-Proshop store, shop now via e-Proshop store!
*Terms and Conditions:
- 1. Purchase is to be made from 01st to 30th November 2020 .
- 2. Promotion is valid via Daikin e-ProShop
- 3. Promotion is applicable for purchase for selected iSmile Multi Split Series System 3 and above (applicable to MKS65/80/90TVMG), for residential homes only.
- 4. Delivery of air purifier will be free during the promotion period. Delivery will be available on Mondays and Thursdays only.
- 5. Strictly no reservation of stocks allowed, while stocks last basis.
- 6. Call us at 6484 0083 or contact the relevant ProShop (https://www.daikin.com.sg/contact) for promotional enquiries.
- 7. This promotion is not valid with other promotions or discount vouchers.
- 8. Please contact selected Daikin Proshop on all installation / delivery / gift collection matters.
- 9. Daikin Singapore reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions at any time.
- 10. Redemption is limited to 1 x $110 NTUC Vouchers per installation address.
- 11. All redemptions are based on while stocks last basis. There will be strictly no replacement upon full redemption.
- 12. All deadlines are to be strictly adhered to and there will be no extensions.
- 13. Promotion is not valid in conjunction with other discounts or promotions.
- 14. Daikin Proshop reserves the right to reject any claims due to inadequate submission of information.
- 15. Daikin Proshop reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions at any time.